KAYAK CARTS are a must for transporting your kayak from car to waters edge. Hobie offers several solutions. All of the latest Hobie Kayaks can use Plug-in carts. Some older models or other brands of kayaks may require the use of a cart that straps on. Simply roll the kayak down to the water and off you go!
Plug-in carts do just that...they plug right into the bottom of your kayak. Choose from light-duty to heavy-duty versions. The latest is the new Hobie Trax cart. This has a sturdy stainless steel frame and pneumatic tires. This is a heavy duty cart for the larger boats and rough ground or sand conditions. This is the best cart for crossing over soft sand.
Plugs right into the scupper holes of Hobie Kayaks. The Hobie standard cart has enough capacity to carry the fully rigged Adventure Island. Extremely durable tires and strong spoked wheels. Light weight. Wheels are easily removable.